Linsey Jones, Celebrant and Wedding Planner in Cheshire - Love Ceremonies and Your Fairy Wedmother

Hello & Welcome!

Congratulations on the life event you would like to celebrate!

If you are looking for

virtual wedding planning support,

‘on-the-day’ co-ordination for your wedding,

a bespoke personalised celebrant-led wedding ceremony

or want to celebrate your new family arrival, with a naming ceremony –


then you are in the perfect place……. as I can provide all of these for you to make your celebration magical.


Although I wear two hats within the wedding industry, you are welcome to book me for just one, or both services – I am entirely flexible and will adapt to suit your needs.


If it’s support with planning you need, virtually, or in person, then as your Fairy Wedmother I’m here to help you all that I can.


Whether you are overwhelmed by the number of decisions you need to make, lack the time to plan your wedding, or simply want a professional to guide you through the process, hiring Your Fairy Wedmother can help to make planning and also your wedding day more exciting and enjoyable.


As a celebrant with Love Ceremonies, I am dedicated to creating a meaningful and heartfelt ceremony for your special occasion, or life milestone.


Your ceremony will be a truly bespoke celebration, that reflects your personalities and wishes and that you will cherish for years to come.


For my ‘in-person’ services – I predominantly work across North Wales, Cheshire, Wirral, Shropshire and Staffordshire, but I do have the ability to travel if this is required.


Please have a look around my services if you would like to know more.

Love Ceremonies Wedding planning checklist


wedding planning tailored to you

As Your Fairy Wedmother, I’ll offer

essential information, guidance and invaluable assistance,

to support you in your wedding planning.

Ceremony arch with hanging glass baubles


celebrant ceremonies for all occasions

As your ceremony celebrant,

I’ll work with you to create a meaningful and heartfelt ceremony,

for whichever life milestone you are marking.

Vow renewal
Wedding signpost
Two brides exchanging wedding rings at a celebrant wedding

Things I Can Help With

Sourcing Suppliers

Finding the right suppliers to suit your tastes and budget

Wedding Admin

Everything you need to stay organised and in control

Your Ceremony

Creating you a beautifully personalised ceremony

Getting Married?

I'm here to help!

Firstly, congratulations on your engagement! You must be so excited that you have found ‘the one’ in each other, and are really looking forward to your married life together.


People think it will be really exciting to plan a wedding, but when they start the process they can be overwhlemed with the enormity of it all.


Alot of couples say ‘We havent planned a wedding before – how do we know what we need, and what do we need to ask the suppliers to make sure they are the right ones for us?

How can we do all of this and juggle it with work and other commitments?’


But you don’t have to take on all the responsibility alone… My unique services provide you with ways to help you to stay organised and on track, and also supports you in planning your wedding day of your dreams!


A lot of people think that you can only get married in a church, or with a Registrar.


But, there is now an alternative…………. a celebrant-led ceremony. Your ceremony can be written to truly reflect you as a couple, your love story and include your personal heartfelt vows.


There aren’t any limits on what can, or can’t be included in your ceremony, as it is all about the both of you. Each ceremony is completely written from scratch, as every relationship is different.


If you are interested in either of these services, I would love to hear your plans and see if I can help you.

'Linsey, you gave us such a wonderful bubbly feeling after the meeting. You are very invested in what you do.' (March 2023)

Get in Touch

I would love to hear from you!

If you’d like to have a chat about

how we could work together,

please do get in touch and

I’d be happy to answer

any questions you may have.